Sunday, June 24, 2012

away from everything

assalamualaikum w.b.t

haii korggg. #nada cm bgun tdow sket aw. sbb buat post nie mse bwu bgun tdow. air liur basi pown ade ag nie. nk? ;pp

oke. nie post sdeh2 sbnrnye. sbb cik NN akan away from everything starting from today. sob sob~ #ape nie asyek post sdeh2 je. kemon lah bella. hee

hurmm actually, cik NN akn bertraining ag. this tyme until 18th July or maybe drag to 20th 2012. oke pls take noted the date of 18th July there. #double sadness oke. sob sob sob~

so what ape yg cik NN nk bebel kan adalah, jaga diri anda semua ye. doakan cik NN selamat bertraining. hopefully blek putihhh. #hoho. mmg taklahhh. triple sadness, but this not really sad lah.

oraite papehal tepon or msg klu btol2 ad bnde penting, klu say hello wktu ue. mmg cik NN tak reply la ye. ohh, maybe boleh wish slmt berpuase trus an. hihi #jangan nk puasa sgt lah bella, gnti pown blom abes. ;pp

oke akhir kata, sygg korg sume. #jage diri, jage iman, jage aty. :)

gamba pengubat lara. #ayat 60-an bhaiii.haha

dad, i'll make u proud. :')

Friday, June 22, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


assalamualaikum w.b.t

haii korg. maaf klu post sbelum nie bukan ditujukan khas utk korg. but tis tyme CONFIRM utk korg k. hihi *macam la korg STALKER sgt blog cik NN kan. mst tak. jenguk sbb nk tgok gmbar2 je. tu pown klu jenguk. hee

oke. cik NN nk speaking ea. lalala~

well, actually im writing tis post to advice myself not to be someone who are i think Allah will hates. im not tryin to be HER hater but u know when someone keep talkin bad about u, maybe u should considered what are they're goin to talk to. considered the bright side and improved. Allah love to someone who are humble and down to earth. oke darls.

the story begins here, one of my floormates show me to HER blog and i read it. at first i try to be +ve and keep askin why theyre always tellin me that SHE is annoying person. one of her writing is, she tellin in malay ea but cik NN change it oke because i think its not nice word, well something like this, " mens are nothing, when someone leave me, there will come a rich man will try to get me. its a FACT'' astarafirullah. darls, pls remind all our words before start sayin anything, u know, its really not nice to said so. and theres another, this one im not changing it to english, ''hei bodoh r pmpuan yg bgantung kat jantan. igt, laki ue sume nk game kowg je. at last kowg kne tinggal, ak bnci r ngok pmpuan cpl, ape kowg dpt, raba2, kepit bukan dapat 4 flat pown stdy korg,'' oke cik NN tergamam. *kluaq bhse melayu trus. hee

emm. for me. stdy and love are two differents thing. darls, who ask u to raba2 and kepit2 while u hav someone who u called  as a couple? pls. grow up my dear. we're muslims, Allah creates the feeling. but we must remember, we have our iman, protect it. u're responsible for tht. pls, 4 flat is not everything, if u ever obtained the 4 flat, u will know how its feel. nothing oke my dear. 4 flat doesnt ensure u anything. yes, i know stdy is the important thing in our life, but my dear pls look at urself before start pointing to other. its really sad, when ur PTPTN is cncel just because of ur pointer, and u try to tellin them is stupid for havin a couple. dear, i real all ur post before this, and pls do not act like ure a mature person when ure also doin the same thing.

p/s: pls darls, jgn sentap dgn post nie ye. cik NN buat post nie utk cik NN jgk perbaiki diri. harap2 blog awk pasnie yg lebih baik. dan cik NN pown cube perbaiki diri nie. sme2 kte ye mnjd Lt. M yg berjaya. hiyargggh! hrp anda tahu anda spe. jumpe trus ye pasnie klu sentap :)

520 *if u know what its means

assalamualaikum :)

oke. buat yg rse bukan untuk dia post nie. jangan bace ea. hihi

encik MR pls take care urself kt kdsi sne ue. :)
solat jgn lupe. makan jgn lupe. byk minum air taw, awk ue alpha rutin. pnt.
jgn mental2. kuatkan semangat. be strong ye awk.

what i feel now:
sob sob~ 

always dgn bella. t kte naik mids sme2 ea. 
p/s: tata awak.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

a month and a day before MR's birthday :)

assalamualaikum guys.

sorry lately tak update sgt. well, to many critics i received from my budak aras and my sewel intake about my recent post. (how dare all of u. hee) haha. dowg tade kutuk pown cume suke bahan2 pasal cik NN, encik MR. and waww semangat navy an kaw bella. cet. igtkan tade owg nk bce blog bersawang nie, rupenye ramai~ ahah

oke, hurry up bella tajuk tak link ngn post da nie. hihi.

today which is (bce title ue, pnt nk type. hee) i go to meet him. anddddddddddddd his mum and dad. wohhh~ omaigod! gilakk an. tak pna2 cik NN buat perkara yg mngejut kan dunie an. 1st tyme oke. sgt cuak~ tp both of them was very cool and happening. keep smilling although my questions a bit silly and funny. hee. thanks auntie and uncle. having so much fun to know both of u. :)

oke. enough. im not goin to story the full version. hihi.bhye budak2 skg bce nie. setahun training pown tak abes bahan cik NN t. haha

#Ya Allah, thanks for everything. alhamdulillah~

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

attendance ue tak btol ye. lect lmbt update. sye mucher oke: murid cemerlang mksdnye  ;D

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


awak awak sume jum bce doa utk final nie.

tgok dulu muke final ue mcmne. hee

oke jum amalkan doa nie supaya kte tak gelabah ayam dlm dewan ue nnt :)

hafal oke. *amboii ckp owg kan cik NN nie. hee

nie nk share lagi.

hoho. slh nie. takbole2. blaja kasi abes dulu ye adek2. walaupun skg trend kawen mude. no no cik NN ;p

last but not least,

zikrullah yg cik NN slalu amalkan klu cik NN sdeh. jum3 amalkan. tenang kowt :)

cc: cik google

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

nak nak nak!

assalamualaikum. hai semuaaaaaaaaaaaa. *ckp smbil tunjuk gigi. semangat! hee

haaa. kali ni cik NN nk bebel psl. eh kjap2 cik NN? oke lupe nx bgtau u'olls (mcmla ade owg bce bella blog kaw nie, haha) cik bella dah tuka nme kepada cik NN sbb nk kasi matching sikit ngn encik whathisname sye ue. encik MR. hee.

oke todays post is abt BRACES. wee~ finally sye akan pakai braces but....
*tuka nada sdeh oke.

kne tggu abes training snior tauliah dulu. sbb certain prob yg maybe cik NN akn nanges klu cik NN pakai braces skg. mule2, cik NN akan mndpt ksukaran nk makan. makan sgt la penting bg cik NN yg smkin tough dan gagah ini. (oke sttement ue tpu byk bukn sikit aw. hee)

pastu, *smbung bebel blek. cik NN rsau klu2 nga tlg snior tauliah, tbe2 besi ue tercabut plak. haisyhh. sbb ade kes kawan cik NN pown mcm ue dulu. ish, rsau2.

dah seterusnye, *kesalahan penanda wacana. ahha. cik NN akn mnjadi yg kurg mmbebel mse ue. haisyh tak bole! bebel adalah hobi cik NN. mst tak meriah t tauliah snior kalu cik NN jdik pendiam an. haha

oke terlalu byk mbebel nie. jom tgok gmba dulu :)

domodomodomo :)

p/s: lalala~ doakan cik NN pakai braces dgn jaya nye. takut wohhh kne cabut gg t. warghhh~