Tuesday, October 30, 2012

my hero after my dad :)

hi guys. pls make sure u find the close button before read tis post.hee

thanks ncikR . . .

for understanding me.

for always tellin me the truth.

for always listening to my talk and bebel every night.

for spendin some of time eventhough u're tired and sleepy.

for thinking abt us. abt tis relationship.

for worried abt me. always ask me to eat whenever we met. hihi

for ask me to take care of my skin and looks so that our child will be cute as me. ;p

for honest in everything.

for tellin ur mistakes and past.


im really appreaciate every tiny thing u've done to me. 

p/s: oke. geli sgt kan. hee. #blom tntu ncikR nie bce. confirm! hhe


Monday, October 29, 2012

don't wanna break ur heart. 

wanna give ur heart a break.

#get it right?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

10 years from now.

#hmmm. y lamaa sgt ncik R oiii. hee
oke lirik nie tak melibatkan spe2. sje nk post. -______________-''

Setelah kupahami
Ku bukan yang terbaik
Yang ada di hatimu

Tak dapat kusangsikan
Ternyata dirinyalah
Yang mengerti kamu
Bukanlah diriku

Kini maafkanlah aku
Bila ku menjadi bisu
Kepada dirimu
Bukan santunku terbungkam
Hanya hatiku berbatas
Tuk mengerti kamu
Maafkanlah aku

Walau kumasih mencintaimu
Kuharus meninggalkanmu
Kuharus melupakanmu
Meski hatiku menyayangimu
Nurani membutuhkanmu
Kuharus merelakanmu

#kalaulah dye faham mksud lirik nie kan. hmmmm. T_T

Friday, October 26, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

assalamualaikum w.b.t

alhamdulillah, he told me my mistakes and im glad he care abt tht.

im sorry ncikR.

comel kan mereka. espacially yg ijau tu. ily~


oke confuse! cik bella, pls get rid tis feeling.

#wht should i do? sob sob~

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

tataw knp. tp cik bella rse nk mara orang jek sejak 2 menjak nie. haihh

#astarafirullahaladzhim.Ya Allah, pls always be my guide.

mggu yg mndatang akan lebih stress. really nid ur support and prays. sob sob~

nahhh. muke stress tp cube senyumm.

bedak sejuk di muke ku, lalala~

Sunday, October 21, 2012

encikUPNM, thanks lagyyy ye utk arie nie.
#check handphone cpt sbb ape. uweekkkk~ ;p

Monday, October 15, 2012

assalamualaikum w.b.t

hi u'olls #nada gedik disitu. hee. emm, ape nk bebel ek?

#garu2 kepala cket crik idea, tgok board study yg terpapar gmba si dye. ehem2 sket tekak plak. haha

haaa, got idea! psl pilihan.

korg slalu tak terpkir ape yg korg buat skunk nie btol atau tak. mcm korg nga bce post cik bella nie. tak btol sbnrnye, sepatutnye g study oke! #ceh, bajet cikgu r nk suh org study ;p

so cik bella sndiri pown a bit confuse ape yg cik bella sdg pilih skunk nie. tp cik bella yakin, ape yg cik bella dah pilih nie msty ad hikmah disebaliknye. misalnya, #amboyy penanda wacana konon. haha

oke example ea, course yg cik bella amek skunk, klu u olls nk taw, job y paling cik bella tanak mse skola dulu ialah cikgu. u know y? bcause cik bella rse cikgu tu tah pape. asyek pkse kte buat kje skola jek, pastu mara2 klu kte markah trok, men2 dlm kls. pastu suke mngaja tyme kte mngntok. #eh, slh nie. kte yg mngntok wktu dye aja. haha

tp u olls taw tak, cik bella pas matriks trus nk jdik cikgu, cik bella sndri pown tataw knp. wahh~ sgt musykil oke. padahal nie la job yg cik bella paling bnci mse skola dulu. funny kan, hw ppl can change? hee

tp cik bella takowt gk klu tersalah buat pilihan, apepown cik bella back to basic, which is Allah dah rncg ape yg dah tertulis utk kte suatu arie nnty. kan kan?

confirm korg boring post cik bella kali nie kan. maap ler. nahh kasik tgok gmba cket. maap ler lagy skli sbb tak comel. hoho

nie pown slh satu pilihan yg cik bella buat. harap diredhai Allah. aminn~

majulah tedyyy utk ngrrr~ hee

p/s: Allah takkan mnguji hambaNya sekiranya dia tidak mmpu mnghadapinya. chaiyok cik bella!

Friday, October 12, 2012

glad and thankful to Allah for making everything i choose is the best path so far.

#alhamdulillah. im never regret in everything i do :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

sabar ye aty.

if one day, i couldn't take it. pls forgive me.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

saket gg~ sob sob!

#Ya Allah, bg kekuatan kepada hamba mu ini utk hadapi dugaan yg kaw berikan.

Monday, October 1, 2012

bertemu di muka buku. kujatuh hati padamu.

eh eh, lagu nie mcm direka khas utk kte jek kan. (tersgt la poyo disni. haha)
#ncikR :)
assalamualaikum w.b.t

alhamdulillah, arinie cik bella berjaya dicabut 2 giginye oleh Dr. Zarin.

thanks doc. sgt sketttt~ tp dr. zarin cabut elok jek. gg cik bella nie yg degil. hee

gg tak sempat nk mntak kat dr. zarin tdy. lupe. terlampau nebes la first tyme doc cabut gg cik bella. jdik, dpt gmba darahnye jek.

separuh kapas dah buang kat ktm ngn lrt tdy. sket. sumpah!

abes darah A+ kuuu~~

haishh. cepatlah pulih gg.  perasan tak gmba nie cik bella kcik kan? sbb segan ctenye~~ haha

p/s: jge gigi adek2 sume. toksah ngade2 nk pkai braces. seksa =..=''