p/s: 7th March.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
assalamualaikum wbt.
hai guysss!
lame kan cik bella tak bebel? *bg yg mngikuti la laman belog cik bella nih. hee
im just dunno why i stop bloggin. mayb im too busy. mayb. something that i cant to explain.
it just in the deep of my heart. it really hard to let go. although i've tried really hard.
it just can't ;(
it not about someone. its about all the memories. i wish i can delete. i can redo. i can undo.
okay. lets cheer up nabilah. may Allah always by my side. yes. He always by my side. :')
hai guysss!
lame kan cik bella tak bebel? *bg yg mngikuti la laman belog cik bella nih. hee
im just dunno why i stop bloggin. mayb im too busy. mayb. something that i cant to explain.
it just in the deep of my heart. it really hard to let go. although i've tried really hard.
it just can't ;(
it not about someone. its about all the memories. i wish i can delete. i can redo. i can undo.
okay. lets cheer up nabilah. may Allah always by my side. yes. He always by my side. :')
Monday, September 23, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
semester 5 yaw!
hai. assalamualaikum guys!
seriously, im just too excited for the new semester ahead!
woahh, semester 5! sekejapppp nye lahaii rse. *tetibe tuka bhse melayu. hewhew
harap2 dipermudahkan semua.
senior year yet also my final year! alhamdulillah, pantas mase berlalu dan aku masih di landasan cita-citaku.
cita-cita ayah yang penting. :)
p/s: Allah akan permudahkan kerja dan perjalanan cita-cita kita sekiranya kita permudahkan kerja orang lain walaupun hanya sekecil kuman. #reminder
seriously, im just too excited for the new semester ahead!
woahh, semester 5! sekejapppp nye lahaii rse. *tetibe tuka bhse melayu. hewhew
harap2 dipermudahkan semua.
senior year yet also my final year! alhamdulillah, pantas mase berlalu dan aku masih di landasan cita-citaku.
cita-cita ayah yang penting. :)
p/s: Allah akan permudahkan kerja dan perjalanan cita-cita kita sekiranya kita permudahkan kerja orang lain walaupun hanya sekecil kuman. #reminder
Monday, August 12, 2013
changes ;)
assalamualaikum! hai guys.
lame kann rsenye cik bella tak bebel kat sini kan kan kan? hee
okay tanak bebel pnjg, just nk bgtau,
a good changes sometimes really make others to see our true colors.
so be yourself. and live ur life! :D
lame kann rsenye cik bella tak bebel kat sini kan kan kan? hee
okay tanak bebel pnjg, just nk bgtau,
a good changes sometimes really make others to see our true colors.
so be yourself. and live ur life! :D
Monday, July 22, 2013
middle of Ramadhan :)
hai guys! assalamualaikum :)
ok rindu. seriously rindu kat belog. maaflah cik bella busy sejak 2 menjak nie.
maaflah bagi sesape yg asyek bukak belog cik bella and bce post yg sme tak diupedate upedate dari aritu. hewhew *ok, mcm la ad yg rjen naa duk usha belog aku nie an. haha
cik bella tak byk sgt nk bebel bulan puase nie.
cume nk bgtau byk yg dah berlaku. perubahan yg agak cik bella sedih. but i believe in Allah's plan.
im always trust in Him. everything happens for reason.
insyaAllah, the dark cloud will be soon away. will fade away.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
jatuh cinta?
yep im fall in love with RAMADHAN :)
happy fasting guys. jgn ponteng2 puase tau.
penuh nnty iterw bg singgit ;p
happy fasting guys. jgn ponteng2 puase tau.
penuh nnty iterw bg singgit ;p
Monday, June 24, 2013
somebody that i used to know
hey. you sound stranger to me.
but i still remember you.
in my difficult time, you we're standing there.
no matter how tired you are.
no matter how sad you are.
no matter how in trouble you are.
thank you.
p/s: forgive and forget its not easy. but when it comes to you, i dont know why.
but i still remember you.
in my difficult time, you we're standing there.
no matter how tired you are.
no matter how sad you are.
no matter how in trouble you are.
thank you.
p/s: forgive and forget its not easy. but when it comes to you, i dont know why.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
teachers :)
hai hai. assalamualaikum ~~
oke. satu paper dah abes arinie. lega lega. jumaat ade lagi paper.
harap harap lah dipermudahkan Ya Allah. ^^
cik bella ad bce satu artikel kat yahoo page. and cik bella found this.
cik bella nie dala phobia gemuk kan. adehh bila bce nie, rse mcm nk tuka jd tentera je sbb tentera are not listed. hewhew
cc: http://my.news.yahoo.com/photos/revealed-10-jobs-that-make-you-fat-slideshow/the-best-jobs-in-2013-photo-394143202.html
oke. satu paper dah abes arinie. lega lega. jumaat ade lagi paper.
harap harap lah dipermudahkan Ya Allah. ^^
cik bella ad bce satu artikel kat yahoo page. and cik bella found this.
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oh no really. sobs |
cik bella nie dala phobia gemuk kan. adehh bila bce nie, rse mcm nk tuka jd tentera je sbb tentera are not listed. hewhew
cc: http://my.news.yahoo.com/photos/revealed-10-jobs-that-make-you-fat-slideshow/the-best-jobs-in-2013-photo-394143202.html
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
hai assalamualaikum semuaa. *senyum lebaqqq
eh tajuk tu mcm over sikit kan.
oke tis post is not about me. cik bella.
its about someone. tawan itew. dye heartbroken.
cik bella tenangkan dye.mcm lah cik bella tgok diri cik bella dulu.
sakit dye hanya Allah yg tahu.
here are some quotes to share after all i've been through.
oke. kita kenal seseorang yg amat kita cintai tu dulu as friend kan.
then why not skg kita jadi mcm dulu-dulu.
kita separate jiwa je. but kita still boleh lihat perkembangan antara satu sama lain kan.
at least, we still have that. u can always pray for me.
and i can always remember you.
if we lost him. in both jiwa and dunia. can you imagine that?
lagii sad kan. kita hanya mampu doa dan harap dia muncul dalam mimpi kita.
no update news about him. no latest pic from him.
so, bear in mind. enjoys this frienship as long as u can still sees him and talk to him.
if i go first. pls always keep me in ur heart and in ur pray. sobs :')
eh tajuk tu mcm over sikit kan.
oke tis post is not about me. cik bella.
its about someone. tawan itew. dye heartbroken.
cik bella tenangkan dye.mcm lah cik bella tgok diri cik bella dulu.
sakit dye hanya Allah yg tahu.
here are some quotes to share after all i've been through.
oke. kita kenal seseorang yg amat kita cintai tu dulu as friend kan.
then why not skg kita jadi mcm dulu-dulu.
kita separate jiwa je. but kita still boleh lihat perkembangan antara satu sama lain kan.
at least, we still have that. u can always pray for me.
and i can always remember you.
if we lost him. in both jiwa and dunia. can you imagine that?
lagii sad kan. kita hanya mampu doa dan harap dia muncul dalam mimpi kita.
no update news about him. no latest pic from him.
so, bear in mind. enjoys this frienship as long as u can still sees him and talk to him.
if i go first. pls always keep me in ur heart and in ur pray. sobs :')
Monday, June 3, 2013
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
oh intake
assalamualaikum w.b.t
hai hai hai~ oke happy pulok kite malam ni ye.
#utk makluman semua, cik bella tulis post ni mse lepas abes muster. *tulis? type la. =.=''
cik bella nk bebel ckit. mungkin nie renungan jugak utk diri cik bella.
sebagai manusia, yela kite nie tak sempurna. kalau semua sempurna mungkin dunia tak mcm hari ini kan.
cume cik bella nk bebelkan di sini. mohon dijauhkan sikap busuk aty atau pun dendam sesama sendiri.
lately, cik bella mula bukak mata, hidup ni singkat sgt. tp cik bella tak phm knp ad yg mmbnci smpai tahap mcm nk mbunuh. maksud cik bella di sini. sikap yg terlalu teruk. astaghafirullah.
cik bella yakin Allah itu ada. sesungguhnya jauhkanlah aku dari sifat itu Ya Allah. sifat busuk aty, berdendam, iri aty. serius, cik bella takut dgn org mcm tu. moge Allah bg petunjuk.
reda kan perasaan geram dan marahku ya Allah terhadap dia. kau kuatkan aty aku. tabahkan aty aku. #pray
hai hai hai~ oke happy pulok kite malam ni ye.
#utk makluman semua, cik bella tulis post ni mse lepas abes muster. *tulis? type la. =.=''
cik bella nk bebel ckit. mungkin nie renungan jugak utk diri cik bella.
sebagai manusia, yela kite nie tak sempurna. kalau semua sempurna mungkin dunia tak mcm hari ini kan.
cume cik bella nk bebelkan di sini. mohon dijauhkan sikap busuk aty atau pun dendam sesama sendiri.
lately, cik bella mula bukak mata, hidup ni singkat sgt. tp cik bella tak phm knp ad yg mmbnci smpai tahap mcm nk mbunuh. maksud cik bella di sini. sikap yg terlalu teruk. astaghafirullah.
cik bella yakin Allah itu ada. sesungguhnya jauhkanlah aku dari sifat itu Ya Allah. sifat busuk aty, berdendam, iri aty. serius, cik bella takut dgn org mcm tu. moge Allah bg petunjuk.
reda kan perasaan geram dan marahku ya Allah terhadap dia. kau kuatkan aty aku. tabahkan aty aku. #pray
Monday, May 20, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
hai assalamualaikum awak! :)
pagi pagi nie cik bella nk bebel pasal bersyukur.
cube sebut alhamdulillah, haa, easy kan? bukan susah pown kan. sebut dan dalami dgn mksudnya.
Praise to God. Segala puji bagi Allah. *dah dpt satu pahala dah. tu malaikat catit tu kalau awk sebut dgn penuh kesyukuran. hee~
pagi pagi nie cik bella nk bebel pasal bersyukur.
cube sebut alhamdulillah, haa, easy kan? bukan susah pown kan. sebut dan dalami dgn mksudnya.
Praise to God. Segala puji bagi Allah. *dah dpt satu pahala dah. tu malaikat catit tu kalau awk sebut dgn penuh kesyukuran. hee~
yg paling penting syukur dgn segala nikmat yg Allah berikan. ibu bapa kita. kesihatan. keamanan. byk lagi. sendiri boleh pikir kan.
*mcm ustazah pulak aku bebel pagi nie. effect PRU13 lah nie. haha *tetiba
p/s: jage diri. jage iman. jage hati :')
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
smile :)
Monday, April 22, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
short bebel maybe
dah bape mnggu cik bella tak dpt balik uma.
sad kan? tapi takpe. i'm still a strong girl. yeh~ #dah knp.huhu
palapes. kolej. amek la mse semua nie. amek amek. jgn bagi cik bella balik uma ye.
tnggu blan depan. stdy week je, cik bella angkat brg duk uma. hee
sabar ye wahai aty. kate nk posting sabah sarawak nnty ble dah jdik cikgu kan.
oh lupe nk bagitau. muke cik bella skunk gelap dan hitam.
mohon semua jgn tego. ad gak kne tts spe yg tego nnty. hihik #oke.jokes
p/s: belajar elok elok. lagi 6 mggu nk abes kuliah. tak sabar nk say hai kat senior midshipmen.wuuu~ dah senior la. kejap nye lahaii mse. subhanAllah :)
sad kan? tapi takpe. i'm still a strong girl. yeh~ #dah knp.huhu
palapes. kolej. amek la mse semua nie. amek amek. jgn bagi cik bella balik uma ye.
tnggu blan depan. stdy week je, cik bella angkat brg duk uma. hee
sabar ye wahai aty. kate nk posting sabah sarawak nnty ble dah jdik cikgu kan.
oh lupe nk bagitau. muke cik bella skunk gelap dan hitam.
mohon semua jgn tego. ad gak kne tts spe yg tego nnty. hihik #oke.jokes
p/s: belajar elok elok. lagi 6 mggu nk abes kuliah. tak sabar nk say hai kat senior midshipmen.wuuu~ dah senior la. kejap nye lahaii mse. subhanAllah :)
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
im not in the mood of anything. training. studying. or whatsoever.
please behave when u're talking to me.
im really sensitive right now.
yet, im just tired and wanna stop all this thing.
but. what abt him? abt his wish. abt what he want her daughter to be someday.
ayah, adek takkan giv up.
u're always my number one moral. :')
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
hujan kemarin
hai hai hai semua. #nada tak bersemangat tau korg kne bce.
tak kesah korg perasan atau tak lagu blog cik bella dah tuka lagi.
oke la nk share sikit mse first cik bella dgr lagu ni dulu. hujan kemarin by taxi band.
mse tu kat matriks. mse tu feeling cik bella dgr tak mcm skg kalau cik bella dgr.
tatau knp. dulu tak pna pown pkir mksd2 lirik dye. tak pna nk rse maksd2 dye.
tp skg, rse lain ble dgr. kan bgus kalau feeling cik bella dgr mcm mse cik bella dgr wktu kt matriks dulu.
kosong dan tak pkir pape.
eh ngade plak nk sedeyh2 kan. kemon la. hidup harus diteruskan.
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If Allah is all you have,you have all you need. |
Monday, March 18, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
jiwa murni
kau boleh nabilah. kau boleh. #stay positive
jgn cuak ke bebeh sgt.
selagi Allah disisi kau. kau bukan sorang sorang.
#i really nid motivation and moral right now. wish me luck guys. doakan cik bella. :)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
18th July
aku harap kau pown doakan yg sme utk aku.
if we love someone, the best gift that we can give is doa.
yes you will never know and never notice it.
but i know, Allah will let make you feel it.
tis is the best way for us. i'll stay like tis.
pls stop askin me why. i'm try to make a distance between us.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
birthday maybe :)
hi guys. oke i know some ppl mayb already know what im gonna to post.
im just wanna tell.
thanks to Allah because im still breathin until today.
thanks to mama. i dun think it easy to bring me to this world and carryin 3.9kg everyday. thanks mum :)
thanks to ayah. i know. im pampered. im the noty one. thank ayah iloveyou more than i can say!
thanks to sisters. for understand my kerenah. my bebelan. thanks along. aten. tira. thanks for all ur sacrifice. ur worried. ur everything!
#nk nanges seriously. im 21 years old today! shock. dah tua rupenye. boleh kawen dah nie. *kawan ckp lah bukan cik bella ckp. hihik
hi guys. oke i know some ppl mayb already know what im gonna to post.
im just wanna tell.
thanks to Allah because im still breathin until today.
thanks to mama. i dun think it easy to bring me to this world and carryin 3.9kg everyday. thanks mum :)
thanks to ayah. i know. im pampered. im the noty one. thank ayah iloveyou more than i can say!
thanks to sisters. for understand my kerenah. my bebelan. thanks along. aten. tira. thanks for all ur sacrifice. ur worried. ur everything!
#nk nanges seriously. im 21 years old today! shock. dah tua rupenye. boleh kawen dah nie. *kawan ckp lah bukan cik bella ckp. hihik
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ye. sye kuat makan. sekian =.='' |
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
to forget.
maybe it easy for you but
it is really hard for me
to ignore.
maybe u never had to ignore
it is not even exist to you
to cry.
yes. always
every tiny thing im seen
why should i see you
to pray.
im never forget
to mention you in my prayer
to move on.
im never want
but i forced myself to
p/s: pls. this is not for you. it just something that i want you to know.
p/s: pls. this is not for you. it just something that i want you to know.
Friday, March 1, 2013
assalamualaikum w.b.t
haiii korg korg korg.
oke arinie 1st March lah. hai March! bulan ni bulan penting bg cik bella.
sebab ade 1 event navy yg cik bella organise dgn intake cik bella.
mohon doa dari kawan kawan supaya berjaya ye.
cukup lah kegembiraan anak anak yatim tu hadiah hari jadi untuk cik bella. :)
#Ya Allah. aku mohon kau permudahkan urusan dan niat baik kami. ikhlas kan aty kami dalam menjalankan tugas.
akhir kata. meh cnie tgok crystal yg cik bella buat mse lab kimia tady. excited smpai terletak lebih charcoal. dpt lah crsytal hitam. tp still nice. akak demo gelak bersama-sama. hee
haiii korg korg korg.
oke arinie 1st March lah. hai March! bulan ni bulan penting bg cik bella.
sebab ade 1 event navy yg cik bella organise dgn intake cik bella.
mohon doa dari kawan kawan supaya berjaya ye.
cukup lah kegembiraan anak anak yatim tu hadiah hari jadi untuk cik bella. :)
#Ya Allah. aku mohon kau permudahkan urusan dan niat baik kami. ikhlas kan aty kami dalam menjalankan tugas.
akhir kata. meh cnie tgok crystal yg cik bella buat mse lab kimia tady. excited smpai terletak lebih charcoal. dpt lah crsytal hitam. tp still nice. akak demo gelak bersama-sama. hee
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#crystal. |
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
mama :')
assalamualaikum w.b.t
hai hai hai. ;D
lately kan, cik bella dah kurg bebel lah. byk diam. byk duk sorg2. byk duk kat penjuru pkir mse depan smbil pegang buku fizik. #eh oke yg last skli tu tipu. hee
tp seriusly cik bella dah kurang bebel dah. mungkin bella bebel tu dah tak relevan ngn diri cik bella lagi.
oke. tujuan post pada jam ini adalah untuk membebel tentang ke HOMESICK kan cik bella.
msty dlm aty korg ckp. ''eh dye ni. uma dekat je kot. gedik je nk homesick2.''
eii. bia lah. mama ayah ngn kakak adalah numb 1 bg cik bella. i will do anythin for them. tady mse sibuk2 training. wktu admin mama call. #start music sedeyh.
mama call sebab rndu nk dgr sore cik bella. mama ckp mama masak bubur chacha. faberet cik bella kot. andd after mama call, cik bella trus nangis. #oke. aku mmg anak mnje. peduli ap korg nk ckp ape.(tbe2 gengster. hee)
serius. rnduu mama. :'(
p/s: tak semesty nye kena tggu hari ibu baru kte wish and appreciate ibu or mama or mak whtsoever kte kan? appreciate them everyday. everymin. everysec. in ur every breath. mum, i do really love you :')
hai hai hai. ;D
lately kan, cik bella dah kurg bebel lah. byk diam. byk duk sorg2. byk duk kat penjuru pkir mse depan smbil pegang buku fizik. #eh oke yg last skli tu tipu. hee
tp seriusly cik bella dah kurang bebel dah. mungkin bella bebel tu dah tak relevan ngn diri cik bella lagi.
oke. tujuan post pada jam ini adalah untuk membebel tentang ke HOMESICK kan cik bella.
msty dlm aty korg ckp. ''eh dye ni. uma dekat je kot. gedik je nk homesick2.''
eii. bia lah. mama ayah ngn kakak adalah numb 1 bg cik bella. i will do anythin for them. tady mse sibuk2 training. wktu admin mama call. #start music sedeyh.
mama call sebab rndu nk dgr sore cik bella. mama ckp mama masak bubur chacha. faberet cik bella kot. andd after mama call, cik bella trus nangis. #oke. aku mmg anak mnje. peduli ap korg nk ckp ape.(tbe2 gengster. hee)
serius. rnduu mama. :'(
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mama. terima kasih dah jage adek yg nakal dan mnje nie selama nie. #bukti gamba yg mnunjukkan cik bella gedik. hee |
Ya Allah, terima kasih kau dah berikan aku insan sehebat mama. sekuat dan setabah itu akan ku contohi. lindungi dan berkatilah kedua ibu bapaku di dunia dan akhirat.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
assalamualaikum wbt
oke. todays post cik bella sgt serius. bg yg sedang dlm kemurungan tidak disyorkan baca bagi mengelakkan sebarangan kejadian tidak diingini berlaku.
actually post ni lebih kepada utk intake cik bella. intake kesayangan cik bella. intake 8.
cik bella paham kte tengah krisis sekarang.
and cik bella syg semua dalam intake. tak kesah lah sebanyak mana belit yg korang dan cik bella dah buat tp tak terlambat lagi rasenye utk kte berubah.
yg cik bella nk luahkan disini sikap kte. oke sebelum cik bella bebel dgn lebih lanjut. cik bella nk mntk maaf. bukan nk nasihatkan siapa2. tp ni utk peringatan kepada cik bella gak.
perkara ni senang je setel kalau semua bagi kerjasama. consider perasaan org lain. fikir ap yg kte dpt atau tugasan tu sebagai amanah. buat dgn ikhlas. insya Allah, Allah msty permudahkan utk kte.
akhir kata. cik bella syg intake nie. walaupun sikit. kte mampu kan. :)
oke. todays post cik bella sgt serius. bg yg sedang dlm kemurungan tidak disyorkan baca bagi mengelakkan sebarangan kejadian tidak diingini berlaku.
actually post ni lebih kepada utk intake cik bella. intake kesayangan cik bella. intake 8.
cik bella paham kte tengah krisis sekarang.
and cik bella syg semua dalam intake. tak kesah lah sebanyak mana belit yg korang dan cik bella dah buat tp tak terlambat lagi rasenye utk kte berubah.
yg cik bella nk luahkan disini sikap kte. oke sebelum cik bella bebel dgn lebih lanjut. cik bella nk mntk maaf. bukan nk nasihatkan siapa2. tp ni utk peringatan kepada cik bella gak.
perkara ni senang je setel kalau semua bagi kerjasama. consider perasaan org lain. fikir ap yg kte dpt atau tugasan tu sebagai amanah. buat dgn ikhlas. insya Allah, Allah msty permudahkan utk kte.
akhir kata. cik bella syg intake nie. walaupun sikit. kte mampu kan. :)
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xoxo |
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013
malam mesra KDSI I 2013
assalamualaikum wbt.
post kali nie. cik bella nk share video persembahan divisyen cik bella mse malam mesra kat kdsi ritu.
maaf lah kualiti tak elok. tarian terabur ckit. sbb cik bella kot. tak bpe rety menari. tradisional lak tu. tp alhamdulillah mlm tu kami menang numb 2. yey! tepuk tgn sket. hihik.
oke lets enjoy the video :)
post kali nie. cik bella nk share video persembahan divisyen cik bella mse malam mesra kat kdsi ritu.
maaf lah kualiti tak elok. tarian terabur ckit. sbb cik bella kot. tak bpe rety menari. tradisional lak tu. tp alhamdulillah mlm tu kami menang numb 2. yey! tepuk tgn sket. hihik.
oke lets enjoy the video :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
assalamualaikum wbt
alhamdulillah. bru ade mood nk story sepanjang 2 mggu setengah kat kdsi.
supaya anda tidak boring. meh tngok ni dulu.
ape yg dpt cik bella katekan utk training kat kdsi nie. emmmm. BEST gile oke. dah la EMA jam 0630H. cool kan. kat kosass pown tak cmgini. hihik.
3. Dapat less taji. haha. taji yg teramat kurg. thanks to subby yg terlibat. but cik bella mmg takbole lupe ade 1 subby tu. takleh mention sini bhye. nk tau msg ea. #eh takpsl.haha. haaa subby tu suke sgt amek divisyen cik bella. tp sbnnye dye sgtttt la caring psl divisyen cik bella smpai jadi divisyen terbaik haa. alhamdulillah. :)
alhamdulillah. bru ade mood nk story sepanjang 2 mggu setengah kat kdsi.
supaya anda tidak boring. meh tngok ni dulu.
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status merdeka la konon =.='' |
oke supaya tak nmpk bebelan memuncak. cik bella list kan ape yg cik bella lalui sepanjang 2 minggu and bpe ari tah kat kdsi tu.
1. Most important thing dpt blaja byk sgttt psl navy. best2. blaja psl marine eng. maritime law. naval com. byk ah cte dye.
2. Dapat divisyen yg tersanggggggaaaaaaaatttt lah mcm family. serius! cik bella syg gila kat korg. tak larat nk list byk2 nme yg ade kat memori nie. tp yg paling cik bella rindu saira. shikin. azlia. mai. hisyam. khairul. yusuf. kirin.
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pls ignore aku yg hitam tu. =..='' |
4. Dapat menari. yes menari. haaa. kat kdsi ni jugak mengaja cik bella jd penari. jgn pkir bukan2 ea. menari tarian tradisional. haha. mmg klaka. dala praktis bpe jam je. alhamdulillah menang numb 2. boleh tahan gak dak2 divisyen cik bella menari. siap kne bahan gak la ngn subby mse cik bella menari ngn partner. seb baik partner sporting and klaka. haih khairul2. hee. agak2 msuk AJL utk etnik kreatif bole menang nie. kekononan disitu.
5. Dapat senior poyo terlebih. mcm2 nme kteorg create utk snior kat sne. hihik. kejam btol tp aku kurg amek port. bia la senior ni bermaharajalela. layan kan sje. tp yg suke bg front support tu mmg cik bella dendam. tah pape. org dah amek air smyg suh front support kat lecak. rumput2 kotor. eyyy. ajak bertumbuk nie. #opss cover cket attitude cik bella oi. behave. haha. tp after all tade la dendam sgt. buat ape dendam2 nie. tak baik. Allah marah.
6. Dapat parut kat kaki. tolak la duit hantaran ni.
7. Dapat star jump dari KFA. yey~ akhirnye KFA sedar kewujudan cik bella. #eh tah pape.
8. Dapat kenal dgn ramai org. best. and paling gembira dpt tau jugak numb tentera yg dekat ngn cik bella tu. senior lebih seratus dari cik bella. sweet 06. thanks a lot poyo ;p
oke dala kot. meh tgok gmba.
p/s: tahun 1 selesai dgn jayanye. thanks ya Allah dah permudahkan urusan cik bella kat sne. harap2 tahun 2 nnt shine bright like a diamond in the sky. hihik. lagu tema tanak mental spnjg 2 minggu setengah kat sne. pown boleh kan.
5. Dapat senior poyo terlebih. mcm2 nme kteorg create utk snior kat sne. hihik. kejam btol tp aku kurg amek port. bia la senior ni bermaharajalela. layan kan sje. tp yg suke bg front support tu mmg cik bella dendam. tah pape. org dah amek air smyg suh front support kat lecak. rumput2 kotor. eyyy. ajak bertumbuk nie. #opss cover cket attitude cik bella oi. behave. haha. tp after all tade la dendam sgt. buat ape dendam2 nie. tak baik. Allah marah.
6. Dapat parut kat kaki. tolak la duit hantaran ni.
7. Dapat star jump dari KFA. yey~ akhirnye KFA sedar kewujudan cik bella. #eh tah pape.
8. Dapat kenal dgn ramai org. best. and paling gembira dpt tau jugak numb tentera yg dekat ngn cik bella tu. senior lebih seratus dari cik bella. sweet 06. thanks a lot poyo ;p
oke dala kot. meh tgok gmba.
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ubt utk lapor HAT |
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yey~alhamdulillah. |
Monday, February 11, 2013
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