Monday, April 29, 2013

smile :)

smile cik bella. smile mcm avatar yg awk lukis mse boring boring tak phm dlm kelas QM tu. hihik

hai May. i may not be like you but i'll try to.

I don't know if you know who you are until you lose who you are. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

April is gonna be ended in a few days.

I dont wanna go for May.

even for July.

sad :'(

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

short bebel maybe

dah bape mnggu cik bella tak dpt balik uma.

sad kan? tapi takpe. i'm still a strong girl. yeh~ #dah knp.huhu

palapes. kolej. amek la mse semua nie. amek amek. jgn bagi cik bella balik uma ye.

tnggu blan depan. stdy week je, cik bella angkat brg duk uma. hee

sabar ye wahai aty. kate nk posting sabah sarawak nnty ble dah jdik cikgu kan.

oh lupe nk bagitau. muke cik bella skunk gelap dan hitam.

mohon semua jgn tego. ad gak kne tts spe yg tego nnty. hihik #oke.jokes

p/s: belajar elok elok. lagi 6 mggu nk abes kuliah. tak sabar nk say hai kat senior midshipmen.wuuu~ dah senior la. kejap nye lahaii mse. subhanAllah :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

i'm still feel the sadness. i had moved on. and pls take care urself R.

Friday, April 5, 2013


im not in the mood of anything. training. studying. or whatsoever.

please behave when u're talking to me.

im really sensitive right now. 

yet, im just tired and wanna stop all this thing.

but. what abt him? abt his wish. abt what he want her daughter to be someday.

ayah, adek takkan giv up.

u're always my number one moral. :')