2 hb nnt genap lah 8 bulan. hihi.
tp 2 hb tu bukan nk cte psl ats tu ek. nk cte pasal nie.
final exam start! #bunyik sound effect sket (suspens)
wish me luck guys :)
#Ya Allah permudahkan urusan ku. tenang kan aty ku sepanjang mggu peperiksaan nnt. hanya padaMu aku memohon.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
ayah :)
assalamualaikum wbt
ayah, adek mintak maaf.
adek dah sedar, semua ayah buat tu bersebab.
adek dah tak kesah da skg. terima kasih ayah.
#Ya Allah, lindungi kedua ibu bapaku. panjangkan umur mereka. bahagiakan mereka kerana mereka lah kebahagiaan ku dunia dan akhirat. amin~
ayah, adek mintak maaf.
adek dah sedar, semua ayah buat tu bersebab.
adek dah tak kesah da skg. terima kasih ayah.
#Ya Allah, lindungi kedua ibu bapaku. panjangkan umur mereka. bahagiakan mereka kerana mereka lah kebahagiaan ku dunia dan akhirat. amin~
aku tanak balik upm
aku tanak study
aku tanak amek final
aku tanak training
aku tanak g KDSI
#huh! tanak semua~
aku tanak study
aku tanak amek final
aku tanak training
aku tanak g KDSI
#huh! tanak semua~
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
aku harap sangat. tapi tu semua harapan aku.
memang mimpi kalau aku kata tu harapan kau dulu.
aku tak pernah mintak jadi ratu.
mahupun insan yang kau puja tiap waktu.
aku hanya ingin perhatian, sayang yang pernah aku terima.
waktu mula-mula kita kenal dan mula mesra.
tapi tu semua hanya aku dan kenangan kita.
yang tak mungkin singgah jenguk seperti yang aku pinta.
aku akan terus berangan.
berpegangkan harapan.
mungkin kau akan sedar.
mungkin jugak tidak.
aku doakan kau bahagia.
sebahagia nya aku dulu masa kita mula-mula.
kenal erti cinta.
kenal erti waktu itu untuk kita.
hanya kita.
#kau kena kuat. kau kena tabah. aku takde untuk teman kau sepanjang masa. satu hari nnt aku akan tinggalkan kau juga.
memang mimpi kalau aku kata tu harapan kau dulu.
aku tak pernah mintak jadi ratu.
mahupun insan yang kau puja tiap waktu.
aku hanya ingin perhatian, sayang yang pernah aku terima.
waktu mula-mula kita kenal dan mula mesra.
tapi tu semua hanya aku dan kenangan kita.
yang tak mungkin singgah jenguk seperti yang aku pinta.
aku akan terus berangan.
berpegangkan harapan.
mungkin kau akan sedar.
mungkin jugak tidak.
aku doakan kau bahagia.
sebahagia nya aku dulu masa kita mula-mula.
kenal erti cinta.
kenal erti waktu itu untuk kita.
hanya kita.
#kau kena kuat. kau kena tabah. aku takde untuk teman kau sepanjang masa. satu hari nnt aku akan tinggalkan kau juga.
ayah :(
frust yang teramat dalam sgt.
knp ak dilahirkan sbg anak bongsu.
astaghfirullah, tak sepatutnya ak pertikaikan.
itu kerja Allah.
tapi ayah, satu hari nnt ayah kne lepaskan jugak anak ayah ni.
knp ak dilahirkan sbg anak bongsu.
astaghfirullah, tak sepatutnya ak pertikaikan.
itu kerja Allah.
tapi ayah, satu hari nnt ayah kne lepaskan jugak anak ayah ni.
cukup dah risau kan adek.
jgn risau kan adek lagi. adek dah besar.
ayah kne redha. lepaskan ank bongsu ayah ni.
Monday, December 24, 2012
assalamualaikum wbt
now berat cik bella 47kg
my next aim is to get 45kg and below
#chaiyok2 cik bella !
now berat cik bella 47kg
my next aim is to get 45kg and below
#chaiyok2 cik bella !
Sunday, December 23, 2012
cikgu bella
assalamualaikum wbt
lagy 2 tahun. :)
Ya Allah, permudahkan aku untuk bergelar seorang guru.
p/s: harap sgt dpt praktikal mengaja kat RMC. dulu nk msuk xboleh. sbb lelaki jek. dpt mngaja kat sne pown jadi laaa. hee #hoii, cik bella~~ lme lagy. haha
lagy 2 tahun. :)
Ya Allah, permudahkan aku untuk bergelar seorang guru.
p/s: harap sgt dpt praktikal mengaja kat RMC. dulu nk msuk xboleh. sbb lelaki jek. dpt mngaja kat sne pown jadi laaa. hee #hoii, cik bella~~ lme lagy. haha
Saturday, December 22, 2012
braces III
assalamualaikum wbt
kali nie cik bella nk bebel pendek jek.
perasan kan cik bella dah tuka lagu blog? gedik sgt =.=''
anyway, bukan itu yg cik bella nk bebel kan di sini.
cik bella just nk tunjuk nie.
hihi. nk pakai wne ape lagy ye pasnie. dan utk pengetahuan semua, cik bella suke sgt rainbow style, selang seli kan getah nye. comel sgt :3 #mcmne ak nk jdik cikgu lagy 2 tahun jek lagy. tlgla buang kegedikan itu. hehe
skunk nie, cik bella pakai numb 30 ngn 09. cik bella mule2 pakai dulu numb 23. xselang seli sbb wktu tu cuak ngn doktor dye. hee
pasnie jum cik bella cube wne 29 dgn 04. mcm comel jek. :)
gigi besi -licious. =.=''
Friday, December 21, 2012
sem tigeeee
assalamualaikum wbt
alhamdulillah, abes dah sem tige cik bella kat upm nie. tak sbr nye nk abes kan lagy 5 sem kat cnie. #5sem agy? ohhh tidakkk~ hee
pasnie jmpe sem empat plak, hmm, lebih mencabar dan lebih menguji kesabaran dalam bergelar pelajar dan bakal guru #ayat BM A+. hha
so cik bella nk say TATA to sem tigee. thanks for bein nice to me. #padahal FINAL pown tak agy nie. jgn nk tata sgt la cik bella oi. hee
sem tigee nie pown best jugak sbb ad ncikR sepanjang sem nie teman cik bella and become my catalyst everytime i feelin down. thanks awk. sem depan teman org lagy ea. # oke, geli kan. dah2. ahaha
emm sebelum terlupe, sem nie penutup dye adalah ACT kat KDSI, haaa, nie tanak cte nie, btw, kne cte gak supaya korg tak tertanye2 nnty ke mana cik bella menghilang kan.#mcm la ad org tye. hee
remember the date:
14th of January 2012 until 6th February 2013, cik bella will gettin away from everything and goin for training. #paham kan training ape. hmm. sobs.
p/s: take care u'olls sume. peringatan akhir dri cik bella, jge diri, jge iman, jge aty.
alhamdulillah, abes dah sem tige cik bella kat upm nie. tak sbr nye nk abes kan lagy 5 sem kat cnie. #5sem agy? ohhh tidakkk~ hee
pasnie jmpe sem empat plak, hmm, lebih mencabar dan lebih menguji kesabaran dalam bergelar pelajar dan bakal guru #ayat BM A+. hha
so cik bella nk say TATA to sem tigee. thanks for bein nice to me. #padahal FINAL pown tak agy nie. jgn nk tata sgt la cik bella oi. hee
sem tigee nie pown best jugak sbb ad ncikR sepanjang sem nie teman cik bella and become my catalyst everytime i feelin down. thanks awk. sem depan teman org lagy ea. # oke, geli kan. dah2. ahaha
emm sebelum terlupe, sem nie penutup dye adalah ACT kat KDSI, haaa, nie tanak cte nie, btw, kne cte gak supaya korg tak tertanye2 nnty ke mana cik bella menghilang kan.#mcm la ad org tye. hee
remember the date:
14th of January 2012 until 6th February 2013, cik bella will gettin away from everything and goin for training. #paham kan training ape. hmm. sobs.
p/s: take care u'olls sume. peringatan akhir dri cik bella, jge diri, jge iman, jge aty.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
assalamualaikum wbt.
selamat pagi sumeee~ #dgn nada yg ceria smbil tunjuk gigi dgn selebar nye.hee
tanak bebel byk kot pagi nie. just nk share mslh negara cik bella nie.
lately, cik bella rase nk berubah kot.
nk jdik pendiam #hajat dari matriks lagy. hee
nk jdik penyabar.
nk jdik pelajar yg rjen.
nk jdik seseorg yg tegas tp kurg cket bebel pasnie. #kadet msty lega bce nie. haha
anddd lastly, nk jdik anak yg solehah. insya Allah. #doakan cik bella ye.
#count every single day u left, count every single sins u made, count every good deeds u've done. count it before ''the day'' is come.
selamat pagi sumeee~ #dgn nada yg ceria smbil tunjuk gigi dgn selebar nye.hee
tanak bebel byk kot pagi nie. just nk share mslh negara cik bella nie.
lately, cik bella rase nk berubah kot.
nk jdik pendiam #hajat dari matriks lagy. hee
nk jdik penyabar.
nk jdik pelajar yg rjen.
nk jdik seseorg yg tegas tp kurg cket bebel pasnie. #kadet msty lega bce nie. haha
anddd lastly, nk jdik anak yg solehah. insya Allah. #doakan cik bella ye.
#count every single day u left, count every single sins u made, count every good deeds u've done. count it before ''the day'' is come.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
a song to remember
tinkywinky. dipsy. lala. po.
teletubbies~ hee.
p/s: thanks ncikR for the memories. im just dunno why i think i couldnt survive without you. hmm :'(
teletubbies~ hee.
p/s: thanks ncikR for the memories. im just dunno why i think i couldnt survive without you. hmm :'(
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
assalamualaikum wbt
be strong keyh aty for all the scars i make.
for all the hurts tht ppl make to u.
for all the wishes that i couldn't make it.
for all imperfect care of u.
im sorry. tryin to be better muslimah and daughter in future, insya Allah.
Allah, pls guide me. i believe in every single plan that u had make for me always hav a good story behind that.
there's will be sunshine behind the dark cloud.
be strong keyh aty for all the scars i make.
for all the hurts tht ppl make to u.
for all the wishes that i couldn't make it.
for all imperfect care of u.
im sorry. tryin to be better muslimah and daughter in future, insya Allah.
Allah, pls guide me. i believe in every single plan that u had make for me always hav a good story behind that.
there's will be sunshine behind the dark cloud.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
as mention above, today's post i gonna talk and bebel a lil bit about the first year training when i was in cadet. tis post actually i made it for my 'beloved' cadet so that they' re not goin to be sooooooo blurrr on that day.
#ceh, kemon dpt snior baik mcm cik bella, ptot sujud syukur paham x kadet. hee. (oke gurau)
oke, first thing yg korg kene prepared sblm g sne adalah dari segi fitness and mental korg #aiyakkk, awat kuaq bhse melayu nie. hee
mostly, we will train at the KDSK about a week or 2 week, it depend to the KD, during my time, it only takes about 10 days in KDSK as UM goin to start lect early compared to UPM and UiTM. so, were lucky enough i guess. hee
for ROTU Navy UPM, before u're goin to KDSK there will be a PRE-ACT which be held in KOSASS. during the PRE-ACT, u're trains a lot of thing which include ur physical fitness, knowledge about navy, mess ethics (i loikeee.hihi) and whatsoever tht u're goin to practic and ask at the KDSK. as usual there will be round for every night. not an ordinary round its a STANDARD round. (sila kutuk blkg ye. hee) standard round tht means ur room must be clean and ur thing must be clear, all must stndardize and toilet in dry condition oke? (mentally enough or not cadet?) hihi
at KDSK, u'll share ur room with other cadet in different university. seriously this is fun as u can get a new friend, u can see different attitude, andd most important thing u can improve urself and learn to better from other cadet. u r wht u thinks, be the best oke! #semangat nye pn bella kaw nie, haha
the room will be like this. pls ignore the rubbish tht splattering around. hee. tis pic taken during the CO parade, so we dun hav time to clean it all, and were lucky, there is no round. yey~ #padahal stay semalam jek nk round bagai da knp. haha
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bilik nie 2 kali cik bella duduk. mse ACT kadet ngn kwd CO ritu, tak sgke cepatnye la mse berlalu. hihi |
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dryyyyyyy oke. >:( |
the mirror
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make sure clean oke. tu contoh mirror yg akn di pick up, andd yet hell are waiting for you. haihh |
big enough ryte to get pose in front of it. #believe me, u don even hav time for tht.
andd finally,
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len bebeno mukenye ble beruniform kan. lalala~ |
Monday, November 19, 2012
assalamualaikum w.b.t.
hi koranggg. lme kan cik bella tak bebel pnjg2. oke bz bz sejak belakangan nie. mken byk komitmen. mken byk matlamat n mken byk tdow. hee. #yg last tu tpu k.
oke nampk kan tjuk besauuu kat ats tu. haaa siap capital lettter agy. klu ncik R bce nie. msty dan confirm dye akn ckp cmni. ''asykarrrnye dyee~'' ciss =.=''
tanak buang mse, cik bella nk story pasal last Pra-Act fasa 1 PALAPES UPM LAUT aritu. secara kronoliginye, #atcehhh ayt dye.hha. haa smbung blek, secara kronologinye, kteowg training mcm bese jek cume ad special cket kali nie. byk gmba yg nk dishare utk tatapan ramai. tatapan peminat cik bella yg tak putus2 bg sokongan #atcehh, lagy skli.hha anndddd yg paling best aritu kteowg dimandy kan belacan, kicap, oke tu mlm keuncaknye, mlm dan arie2 sblm nye mcm bese taji menaji smpy bermuscle jugak la lengan nie. #confirm hubby ak tgok tergamam nnty. hek2. tade r smpy tgamam. adehh
jum usha gmba jum :)
thanks to Lt and Mids yng dah briefing kat kteowg psl KD Perantau. hopefully leyh dtg agy kat sne. kot2 dpt buat praktikal mcm iman tu kan. #mmg tak nbila, kaw tu amek kos cikgu. untgla ncik R dpt LI mcm iman ue, haihh. haha
oke. thts all for now. xlarat nk bebel dah. len kali cik bella bebel lagy k. :)
hi koranggg. lme kan cik bella tak bebel pnjg2. oke bz bz sejak belakangan nie. mken byk komitmen. mken byk matlamat n mken byk tdow. hee. #yg last tu tpu k.
oke nampk kan tjuk besauuu kat ats tu. haaa siap capital lettter agy. klu ncik R bce nie. msty dan confirm dye akn ckp cmni. ''asykarrrnye dyee~'' ciss =.=''
tanak buang mse, cik bella nk story pasal last Pra-Act fasa 1 PALAPES UPM LAUT aritu. secara kronoliginye, #atcehhh ayt dye.hha. haa smbung blek, secara kronologinye, kteowg training mcm bese jek cume ad special cket kali nie. byk gmba yg nk dishare utk tatapan ramai. tatapan peminat cik bella yg tak putus2 bg sokongan #atcehh, lagy skli.hha anndddd yg paling best aritu kteowg dimandy kan belacan, kicap, oke tu mlm keuncaknye, mlm dan arie2 sblm nye mcm bese taji menaji smpy bermuscle jugak la lengan nie. #confirm hubby ak tgok tergamam nnty. hek2. tade r smpy tgamam. adehh
jum usha gmba jum :)
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muke tahan silau panas ats kpl ue.hee |
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jatuh laut kang bwu taw. |
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at chartt room |
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ignore kan mnusia yg terlebih hell tu. haha |
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lagyy. :) |
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retarded dak 2 org ue. dushh. tumbok kang |
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fokus kan tn iman kat blkg tu. hihik |
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dimana mana mseh sempat berposing. yey~ |
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thanks KD Perantau lyn kerenah intake 8 yg sengetttt |
comel kan kteowg. walau pown telah di taji smpy tak ckup tdow, kteowg mseh mmpu senyum dgn mata yg sepet dek tak ckup tdow tu. hee
oke nk story, yg cik bella and the geng lawati tu, KD Perantau. ia digunakan as kapal hidro bg tujuan hidrografi di KDSK. klu kowg minat nk gy, boleh la bkunjung ke sana, owg awm tak sure la bole ke x. tp best la byk ilmu yg dpt sepanjang setengah arie kat sne.
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oke. thts all for now. xlarat nk bebel dah. len kali cik bella bebel lagy k. :)
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
the time passes
ya Allah, kuat kan aty ku ya Allah.
Sesungguhnya kau tidak mngujiku sekiranye ku tidak mmpu.:'(
#ayah, ank ayah nie tak kuat. tp owg gagahkan jugak utk ayah. demi ayah, owg jnji owg cube yang terbaik.
ya Allah, kuat kan aty ku ya Allah.
Sesungguhnya kau tidak mngujiku sekiranye ku tidak mmpu.:'(
#ayah, ank ayah nie tak kuat. tp owg gagahkan jugak utk ayah. demi ayah, owg jnji owg cube yang terbaik.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
assalamualaikum w.b.t
hi korggg. cik bella tak bpe nk sehat lately nie. dunno why. but im sure. sakit yg Allah bg tu dpt hapuskan dosa2 kcik kan. :)
doakn cik bella sehat dan ceria spt kanak2 ribena dulu kala ye.
nie gmba terbaru. muke owg sakit :(
hi korggg. cik bella tak bpe nk sehat lately nie. dunno why. but im sure. sakit yg Allah bg tu dpt hapuskan dosa2 kcik kan. :)
doakn cik bella sehat dan ceria spt kanak2 ribena dulu kala ye.
nie gmba terbaru. muke owg sakit :(
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
my hero after my dad :)
hi guys. pls make sure u find the close button before read tis post.hee
thanks ncikR . . .
for understanding me.
for always tellin me the truth.
for always listening to my talk and bebel every night.
for spendin some of time eventhough u're tired and sleepy.
for thinking abt us. abt tis relationship.
for worried abt me. always ask me to eat whenever we met. hihi
for ask me to take care of my skin and looks so that our child will be cute as me. ;p
for honest in everything.
for tellin ur mistakes and past.
im really appreaciate every tiny thing u've done to me.
p/s: oke. geli sgt kan. hee. #blom tntu ncikR nie bce. confirm! hhe
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<3 |
Saturday, October 27, 2012
oke lirik nie tak melibatkan spe2. sje nk post. -______________-''
Tak dapat kusangsikan
Ternyata dirinyalah
Yang mengerti kamu
Bukanlah diriku
Setelah kupahami
Ku bukan yang terbaik
Yang ada di hatimu
Ku bukan yang terbaik
Yang ada di hatimu
Tak dapat kusangsikan
Ternyata dirinyalah
Yang mengerti kamu
Bukanlah diriku
Kini maafkanlah aku
Bila ku menjadi bisu
Kepada dirimu
Bila ku menjadi bisu
Kepada dirimu
Bukan santunku terbungkam
Hanya hatiku berbatas
Tuk mengerti kamu
Maafkanlah aku
Hanya hatiku berbatas
Tuk mengerti kamu
Maafkanlah aku
Walau kumasih mencintaimu
Kuharus meninggalkanmu
Kuharus melupakanmu
Meski hatiku menyayangimu
Nurani membutuhkanmu
Kuharus merelakanmu
Kuharus meninggalkanmu
Kuharus melupakanmu
Meski hatiku menyayangimu
Nurani membutuhkanmu
Kuharus merelakanmu
#kalaulah dye faham mksud lirik nie kan. hmmmm. T_T
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
assalamualaikum w.b.t
hi u'olls #nada gedik disitu. hee. emm, ape nk bebel ek?
#garu2 kepala cket crik idea, tgok board study yg terpapar gmba si dye. ehem2 sket tekak plak. haha
haaa, got idea! psl pilihan.
korg slalu tak terpkir ape yg korg buat skunk nie btol atau tak. mcm korg nga bce post cik bella nie. tak btol sbnrnye, sepatutnye g study oke! #ceh, bajet cikgu r nk suh org study ;p
so cik bella sndiri pown a bit confuse ape yg cik bella sdg pilih skunk nie. tp cik bella yakin, ape yg cik bella dah pilih nie msty ad hikmah disebaliknye. misalnya, #amboyy penanda wacana konon. haha
oke example ea, course yg cik bella amek skunk, klu u olls nk taw, job y paling cik bella tanak mse skola dulu ialah cikgu. u know y? bcause cik bella rse cikgu tu tah pape. asyek pkse kte buat kje skola jek, pastu mara2 klu kte markah trok, men2 dlm kls. pastu suke mngaja tyme kte mngntok. #eh, slh nie. kte yg mngntok wktu dye aja. haha
tp u olls taw tak, cik bella pas matriks trus nk jdik cikgu, cik bella sndri pown tataw knp. wahh~ sgt musykil oke. padahal nie la job yg cik bella paling bnci mse skola dulu. funny kan, hw ppl can change? hee
tp cik bella takowt gk klu tersalah buat pilihan, apepown cik bella back to basic, which is Allah dah rncg ape yg dah tertulis utk kte suatu arie nnty. kan kan?
confirm korg boring post cik bella kali nie kan. maap ler. nahh kasik tgok gmba cket. maap ler lagy skli sbb tak comel. hoho
p/s: Allah takkan mnguji hambaNya sekiranya dia tidak mmpu mnghadapinya. chaiyok cik bella!
hi u'olls #nada gedik disitu. hee. emm, ape nk bebel ek?
#garu2 kepala cket crik idea, tgok board study yg terpapar gmba si dye. ehem2 sket tekak plak. haha
haaa, got idea! psl pilihan.
korg slalu tak terpkir ape yg korg buat skunk nie btol atau tak. mcm korg nga bce post cik bella nie. tak btol sbnrnye, sepatutnye g study oke! #ceh, bajet cikgu r nk suh org study ;p
so cik bella sndiri pown a bit confuse ape yg cik bella sdg pilih skunk nie. tp cik bella yakin, ape yg cik bella dah pilih nie msty ad hikmah disebaliknye. misalnya, #amboyy penanda wacana konon. haha
oke example ea, course yg cik bella amek skunk, klu u olls nk taw, job y paling cik bella tanak mse skola dulu ialah cikgu. u know y? bcause cik bella rse cikgu tu tah pape. asyek pkse kte buat kje skola jek, pastu mara2 klu kte markah trok, men2 dlm kls. pastu suke mngaja tyme kte mngntok. #eh, slh nie. kte yg mngntok wktu dye aja. haha
tp u olls taw tak, cik bella pas matriks trus nk jdik cikgu, cik bella sndri pown tataw knp. wahh~ sgt musykil oke. padahal nie la job yg cik bella paling bnci mse skola dulu. funny kan, hw ppl can change? hee
tp cik bella takowt gk klu tersalah buat pilihan, apepown cik bella back to basic, which is Allah dah rncg ape yg dah tertulis utk kte suatu arie nnty. kan kan?
confirm korg boring post cik bella kali nie kan. maap ler. nahh kasik tgok gmba cket. maap ler lagy skli sbb tak comel. hoho
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nie pown slh satu pilihan yg cik bella buat. harap diredhai Allah. aminn~ |
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majulah tedyyy utk ngrrr~ hee |
p/s: Allah takkan mnguji hambaNya sekiranya dia tidak mmpu mnghadapinya. chaiyok cik bella!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
assalamualaikum w.b.t
alhamdulillah, arinie cik bella berjaya dicabut 2 giginye oleh Dr. Zarin.
thanks doc. sgt sketttt~ tp dr. zarin cabut elok jek. gg cik bella nie yg degil. hee
gg tak sempat nk mntak kat dr. zarin tdy. lupe. terlampau nebes la first tyme doc cabut gg cik bella. jdik, dpt gmba darahnye jek.
separuh kapas dah buang kat ktm ngn lrt tdy. sket. sumpah!
alhamdulillah, arinie cik bella berjaya dicabut 2 giginye oleh Dr. Zarin.
thanks doc. sgt sketttt~ tp dr. zarin cabut elok jek. gg cik bella nie yg degil. hee
gg tak sempat nk mntak kat dr. zarin tdy. lupe. terlampau nebes la first tyme doc cabut gg cik bella. jdik, dpt gmba darahnye jek.
separuh kapas dah buang kat ktm ngn lrt tdy. sket. sumpah!
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abes darah A+ kuuu~~ |
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haishh. cepatlah pulih gg. perasan tak gmba nie cik bella kcik kan? sbb segan ctenye~~ haha |
p/s: jge gigi adek2 sume. toksah ngade2 nk pkai braces. seksa =..=''
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
assalamualaikum w.b.t
today's post is abt attitude.
u know what, today mse cik bella nk solat. cik bella tumpg la solat kat FPP which stand for faculty pengajian pendidikan, well it of course for all the future teacher la kan yg solat situ. what suprising me, their attitude. why i said so? tmpat nk amek air smyg tu dekat ngn pintu msuk. yg cik bella geram, org yg dah kua tu, ttup la pintu kan, so tht org yg kat dlm nie yg dah free hair bagai takdelah terdedah kan aurat dowg ngn org kat luar tu. nie tak, dowg bia je pintu tu terbukak besar lak tu. cikgu2 sekalian, pls laa, u're the role model of the nex young generation. well it seem a very small matter but it really show our attitude tht doesnt care abt other ppl. kan kan?
and then, tak abes situ jek. mse msuk kelas coccuriculum for educations, well my course was combined with TESL in one class. what i can see the different between sc stdnt and arts stdnt is their attitude. it is true that we are A LOT of nerd compare to u guys but we are LOT of beradab. mmg boleh gelak u guys in kuliah, but in proper way. sgt tak sopan klu korg gelak kuat2 sgt especially u guys PEREMPUAN oke. ladies, listen here, guys watchin ur attitude not ur pashmina or haircut. aand u must remember tht u're goin to be a teacher.
well, cik bella rse, enough kowt bebel for tis tyme. byk sgt dah tu. cik bella bukan cube nk mnjatuhkan or mngaib kan spe2, cik bella sndri pown sedang ke arah utk berubah kpd attitude yg cemerlang. i'll try my very best oke. kte sme2 ea berubah. Allah always with us. do remember tht :)
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muke utk kls arinie. hee~ |
Sunday, September 23, 2012
assalamualaikum w.b.t
kecewa kejap dgn manusia sekitar sye. but dun worry cik bella tough dan sgt2 stronger hadapi sume nie.
p/s: remember cik bella, attitude always win heart.
kecewa kejap dgn manusia sekitar sye. but dun worry cik bella tough dan sgt2 stronger hadapi sume nie.
p/s: remember cik bella, attitude always win heart.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
what goes around will never comes around. it just a mitos.
assalamualaikum w.b.t
haiii korang. cik bella tanak bebel pnjg oke utk post kali nie. nk potpetpotpet ckit jek.
mcmnie. cik bella mmg seorg yg lantang bersuare tp kena pda tempatnye, cume cik bella xdpt nk terima certain thing yg bg cik bella sgt unfair terang-terangan.
yes, u hav the power right now, but u know wht, u also hav the trustworthy from Allah to guide in one organisation. and i think u should worried abt this.
im sorry, im not tryin to be rude, but u are forced me to do so, thanks and i really disapointed.
p/s: mmg jdik tmpt tdow ak jek pasnie.jgn harap la ak akn aktif mcm dulu. klu bole, ak xnk senyum pown hadap korg semua. #marah sgt2 nie, sorry, i shouldn't said so. sob sob~
haiii korang. cik bella tanak bebel pnjg oke utk post kali nie. nk potpetpotpet ckit jek.
mcmnie. cik bella mmg seorg yg lantang bersuare tp kena pda tempatnye, cume cik bella xdpt nk terima certain thing yg bg cik bella sgt unfair terang-terangan.
yes, u hav the power right now, but u know wht, u also hav the trustworthy from Allah to guide in one organisation. and i think u should worried abt this.
im sorry, im not tryin to be rude, but u are forced me to do so, thanks and i really disapointed.
p/s: mmg jdik tmpt tdow ak jek pasnie.jgn harap la ak akn aktif mcm dulu. klu bole, ak xnk senyum pown hadap korg semua. #marah sgt2 nie, sorry, i shouldn't said so. sob sob~
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
17 Sept 2012
dear him,
thanks for making me smile everytime i meet you,
thanks for making me laugh every single minute i feel down,
thanks for lending me ur ears whenever i wanna to talk to,
thanks for every single seconds you spend time with me whether you are busy or not,
thanks for appreciate all my effort to keep you re mine!
thanks for become my seaman~ ily. truly from my heart :)
p/s: haihh, come on la cik bella. confirm muntah darah dye bce nie karang. haha
thanks for making me smile everytime i meet you,
thanks for making me laugh every single minute i feel down,
thanks for lending me ur ears whenever i wanna to talk to,
thanks for every single seconds you spend time with me whether you are busy or not,
thanks for appreciate all my effort to keep you re mine!
thanks for become my seaman~ ily. truly from my heart :)
p/s: haihh, come on la cik bella. confirm muntah darah dye bce nie karang. haha
Friday, September 14, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
hi :)
assalamualaikum w.b.t
oke todays post cik bella nk say hai hai hai. hihi.
hai roomate baru. hai bilik baru. hai junior baru. sye dah tak junior lagi. yey~ hee
takpyh nk hai sgt la kan. sje nk bagitaw, haiiii sem baru! ;D
p/s: everything should strt with bismillah. rmember tht cik bell!
oke todays post cik bella nk say hai hai hai. hihi.
hai roomate baru. hai bilik baru. hai junior baru. sye dah tak junior lagi. yey~ hee
takpyh nk hai sgt la kan. sje nk bagitaw, haiiii sem baru! ;D
p/s: everything should strt with bismillah. rmember tht cik bell!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
meet rainbow. :)
assalamualaikum w.b.t
hii. todays post is about RAINBOW. #bukan pelangi oke. dulu cik bella kcik2 slalu nyanyi lagu. ''pelangi pelangi alangkah indahmu, merah kuning hijau dilangit yg biru.'' oke dah2. smbung sndri. hee
a very very naughty cat. but i just love her. she's so cute! #dah knp pggil si rainbow nie she. her. cet.
tgk r muke dye yg tersangat la nakal nie. haihh. nsb baik la cik bella syg awk taw. wink2
and the last one. sgt geram. owg nk kupas bwg nk msk, dye pown sibuk. cubet karang! #cik bella dah cubet dye dah pown.
hii. todays post is about RAINBOW. #bukan pelangi oke. dulu cik bella kcik2 slalu nyanyi lagu. ''pelangi pelangi alangkah indahmu, merah kuning hijau dilangit yg biru.'' oke dah2. smbung sndri. hee
a very very naughty cat. but i just love her. she's so cute! #dah knp pggil si rainbow nie she. her. cet.
tgk r muke dye yg tersangat la nakal nie. haihh. nsb baik la cik bella syg awk taw. wink2
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nie mse dye kcikk. aiyakk. mcm teddy bear kat keychain bag ue paham. comel gile~~ |
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auww chak! hee |
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so sleepy. so tired. huhu |
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dah besar sikit dah dye. |
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titew nk mkn kuih rye gak. boleyh? hee |
and the last one. sgt geram. owg nk kupas bwg nk msk, dye pown sibuk. cubet karang! #cik bella dah cubet dye dah pown.
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