assalamualaikum w.b.t
today's post is abt attitude.
u know what, today mse cik bella nk solat. cik bella tumpg la solat kat FPP which stand for faculty pengajian pendidikan, well it of course for all the future teacher la kan yg solat situ. what suprising me, their attitude. why i said so? tmpat nk amek air smyg tu dekat ngn pintu msuk. yg cik bella geram, org yg dah kua tu, ttup la pintu kan, so tht org yg kat dlm nie yg dah free hair bagai takdelah terdedah kan aurat dowg ngn org kat luar tu. nie tak, dowg bia je pintu tu terbukak besar lak tu. cikgu2 sekalian, pls laa, u're the role model of the nex young generation. well it seem a very small matter but it really show our attitude tht doesnt care abt other ppl. kan kan?
and then, tak abes situ jek. mse msuk kelas coccuriculum for educations, well my course was combined with TESL in one class. what i can see the different between sc stdnt and arts stdnt is their attitude. it is true that we are A LOT of nerd compare to u guys but we are LOT of beradab. mmg boleh gelak u guys in kuliah, but in proper way. sgt tak sopan klu korg gelak kuat2 sgt especially u guys PEREMPUAN oke. ladies, listen here, guys watchin ur attitude not ur pashmina or haircut. aand u must remember tht u're goin to be a teacher.
well, cik bella rse, enough kowt bebel for tis tyme. byk sgt dah tu. cik bella bukan cube nk mnjatuhkan or mngaib kan spe2, cik bella sndri pown sedang ke arah utk berubah kpd attitude yg cemerlang. i'll try my very best oke. kte sme2 ea berubah. Allah always with us. do remember tht :)
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muke utk kls arinie. hee~ |
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